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La Noticia


Our mission is to produce original, high quality journalism in Spanish to provide the Latino community in Charlotte, North Carolina with valuable and accurate news and information that will empower them to:

  • Make informed decisions
  • Engage in meaningful conversations
  • Find solutions to issues they face
  • Find resources
  • Help shape the future of our community
  • Use it as the antidote to misinformation and disinformation

Core values: 

  • Accuracy
  • Trustworthiness
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Accessibility
  • Innovation
  • Family
  • Faith

Organization Description:

La Noticia is a local, independent, Spanish-language news organization, which has been providing news and information to the Latino community in Charlotte, North Carolina for the last 27 years.

We produce original investigative reports and enterprise stories covering issues affecting the Latino community such as: immigration, education, affordable housing, elections, local, state and national politics, the economy, health, finance and more.