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Equal Access Public Media

Equal Access Public Media is a nonpartisan, nonprofit national news corporation. Our focus is making the news accessible and creating accessible jobs.

The mission of Equal Access Public Media and its associated publications is to enrich the lives of the diverse community of disabled and chronically ill communityallies and caregivers through accessible news, and to create accessible jobs in the news media industry. 

To accomplish our mission and purpose, Equal Access Public Media will publish and distribute news products in accordance with high nonpartisan journalistic standards and as a public service to our members and our community. We will represent our audience and our community in the mission and in the common purpose of educating and informing the public through producing high quality accessible news and creating high quality, stable accessible jobs in the news industry. 

To serve this broad community, Equal Access Public Media will cover a variety of news topics of national interest using accessible technology, accessible design, and web accessibility principles. In keeping with our mission, EAPM will create accessible jobs so that both our newsroom and leadership positions are accessible to people with disabilities, chronic illness, caregivers, and allies.